Welcome to the NetRex
Here you can find all needed information about using our cloud portal and mobile app. Go through portal features to find how to use them most efficiently, and search in portal configuration to find out how to configure them for even more customized approach. If you want to access your cameras on your phone, just download our mobile app and in case you need any help, go through the mobile app section. For more advanced users we offer API management tutorials.
Cloud portal and mobile app are intuitive and this knowledge base will help you to very quickly become a competent user. When using the portal, you can press to be taken to the associated help page.
If you’re a new user, we recommend starting with our Getting started section to learn the basics of connecting and setting up your first camera.
About Survilla
Our cloud solution is powered by Survilla, which is central platform your devices connect to. The cloud-based platform provides connectivity of IP cameras without complex configuration while monitoring their proper functionality.
The platform also provides:
- access to a web-based user interface (portal),
- remote control of connected devices,
- storage space for recordings,
- features to enhance your camera usage,
- regular monitoring,
- logging all of your activity,
- and communication with other systems.
Survilla has powerful servers that operate according to the latest industry and security standards. With sophisticated monitoring tools and backups, we can guarantee availability 99% of the time.
Only IP cameras manufactured by Axis Communications AB can be connected to the platform. Analog cameras can only be connected using selected models of IP video encoders from Axis Communications AB.